You are invited to .... #TryAlpha
Alpha is a wonderful, internationally-recognised faith-exploration course, which has emerged from the church of Holy Trinity, Brompton. As a parish, we have run several of these prior to Covid-19, and feedback from participants has been overwhelmingly positive. It's simply a brilliant way of exploring what believing in Jesus Christ might mean, and doing so in a welcoming, non-judgmental setting, where participnts are free to contribute - or not, if they prefer not to do so.
The next Alpha to take place in this parish starts on Tuesday 27th September, 2022, in St Cuthbert's Community Hall, Colburn Lane (DL9 4LT), commencing with the Alpha Supper that evening at 7pm, followed by 10 weekly sessions, which include food, a video presentation, and discussion. If you would like to consider attending this year, please contact the Vicar
(Revd Andrew Cromarty, T: 01748 833287 M: 07717226791 e: